The focus in designing room layouts should be on the individual human being and their precise needs. This is what we firmly believe in. To achieve this aim, we have brought together our brands, our know-how and our integrated approach under the umbrella of the Dauphin HumanDesign® Group. The range of high-quality chairs marketed under the Dauphin brand, the unconventional Trendoffice range and the elegant manufactured products from Züco combine with the interior design and office furniture systems from Bosse, which are cleverly thought out right down to the finest detail, to create the best foundation for furnishing rooms which are both functional and enhance people's quality of life.

This is true whether the rooms in question are offices, lounges, commercial, industrial or even public areas. And in the private domain the DAUPHIN HOME® home collection is setting new standards – distinct, distinguished and with a clear design. Perfectly crafted to create a harmonious interior.

Ergonomically designed working environments, holistically organised offices and fascinating living environments are the result of our work. Allow us to work with you to design solutions which provide you with what you want. You will be persuaded by the elements of HumanDesign®.


Whether it's home office, back to the office or new work, these slogans have been part of our lives for some time now. But which concept will help us navigate into the future? Or to put it better: Work next?

We joined forces with the innovation agency Darkhorse to develop a concept for the world of work of today, tomorrow and into the future that considers the expectations and needs of companies and their employees in equal measure and offers customized approaches for creating a successful work culture.

The focal point is the office. Yes. Precisely. You heard it right. Although we firmly believe that hybrid work is here to stay, this is also why we are convinced that the office of the future will be needed more than ever as the physical heart of any company.

Dauphin Workheart strikes the right balance between productivity and efficiency (= work) and emotionality, authenticity and passion (= heart).

Ready to work next?



Ergonomic solutions for sedentary people. Dauphin achieves this goal by carrying out its own fundamental research focusing on people’s physical and mental well-being. The result is integrated HumanDesign®.

TRENDOFFICE - Work it: easy

We get our inspiration from people and the worlds they live in. In a world that is moving faster and faster, our modern life is complex, confusing,´dynamic, and restless. We counter this rapid pace with something that doesn‘t change: timeless design, longevity, simplicity, and even honesty. An office chair that‘s not just for the office. It‘s for people. It‘s for you. Makes sure that you don‘t work just anywhere, but where you feel most comfortable: at your favourite place, fully in line with our motto: Work it: easy.


Züco stands for timelessly aesthetic design, highest manufacturing quality, and excellent seating comfort. The provider of high-end conference, lounge, and office seating furniture was founded in Switzerland in 1921. It has a hundred years of experience in working finest leathers and the most exclusive fabrics. From craftsmanship and modern design, Züco forms timeless, personalised design objects for connoisseurs.


With modul space tubular furniture and the human space Cube room-within-a-room solution, Bosse uses its competence, technology and innovative ideas to harmonise the demands of a changing working environment with people's needs.


DAUPHIN HOME® – the home collection: This concept raises the blend of excellent design developments and first-rate craftsmanship to a new level. Clearly structured pieces of furniture are consolidated to create unobtrusive living environments: a distinct and distinguished interior in perfect harmony.


The Dauphin HumanDesign® Group has a worldwide network of production sites, Dauphin HumanDesign® Centers, representatives and licensees. Given that we are organised in a decentralized manner, we are flexible, close at hand and able to respond quickly to enquiries. With the effect of focused synergy on international standards make us an efficient, competent partner anywhere in the world.


Dauphin HumanDesign® B.V.

Terbekehofdreef 46

B-2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk)

Kris Stoop


Tel. +32 3 8877850

Fax +32 3 8879019

E-Mail info(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin Scandinavia A/S

Pakhus 48

Sundkaj 153

DK-2150 Nordhavn


Tel. +45 4453 7053

E-Mail sales(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin France SAS

6, allée du Parc de Garlande

F-92220 Bagneux

Christophe Platerier


Tel. +33 1 4654-1590

Fax +33 1 4654-1599

E-Mail info(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin HumanDesign® Group in The Forum

69 Turnmill Street

Carsten Lippert

Тel. +49 9158 17-300

E-Mail info(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin Italia S.r.l

Via Gaetano Crespi 12

I-20134 Milano

Alessandro Menoni


Tel. +39 02 76018394

Fax +39 02 76021723


E-Mail info(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin HumanDesign® B.V.

Landzichtweg 60

NL-4105 DP Culemborg

Ronald Jagt


Tel. +31 345 588288

Fax +31 345 533132

E-Mail info(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Sascha Funke


Mobil +43 664 2337055

E-Mail sascha.funke(at)

Google Maps

ZÜCO Bürositzmöbel AG

(Dauphin, Trendoffice, Züco, Bosse, Dauphin Home)

Schuppisstrasse 7

CH-9016 St. Gallen

Carsten Lippert

Tel. +41 (71) 775 87 87

Fax +41 (71) 775 87 97

E-Mail mail(at)



Google Maps



Dauphin Industry (Schweiz)

uniq solution gmbh

Müllerstrasse 34a

CH-8004 Zürich

Claude Frey


Tel. +41 58 510 88 20

Fax +41 58 510 88 36

E-Mail info(at)




Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Clarissa Liebana Llera


Тel. +34 611 181 555

E-Mail spain(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Annarita Pischedda


Тel. +49 9158 17-379

E-Mail annarita.pischedda(at)


Google Maps

Dauphin HumanDesign

100 Fulton Street

US-NY 07005 Boonton


Tel. +1 800 6311186

Tel. +1 973 3166400

Fax +1 973 2633551

E-Mail inquire(at)


Google Maps



Dauphin HumanDesign

222 Merchandise Mart, Plaza, Suite 393

US-IL 60654 Chicago


Tel. +1 312 4670212

E-Mail inquire(at)


Google Maps


Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Lars Hartwig


Tel. +49 9158 17-700

Fax +49 9158 1007


Dauphin HumanDesign® Group im
PALMBERG-Showroom Berlin

Aroser Allee 66

D-13407 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 43 55 76 - 620

E-Mail nicole.jagelski(at)

Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Dresden

An der Flutrinne 12a

D-01139 Dresden

Marcel Alexander Zilles

Claudia Wetzel


Tel. +49 351 7952664-630

Fax +49 351 7952664-639

E-Mail dhdc.dresden(at)

Google Maps


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday: 08.00 - 12.00 h und 13.00 - 17.00 h

Friday: 08.00 - 16.00 h


Dauphin Workheart Space at
Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Frankfurt/Offenbach

Strahlenbergerstr. 110

D-63067 Offenbach

Diwa Rösinger

Denise von Rogall


Tel. +49 69 98558288-650

Fax +49 69 98558288-659

E-Mail dhdc.frankfurt(at)

Google Maps


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday: 08.00 - 12.00 h and 13.00 - 17.00 h
Appointment scheduling in advance is preferred. You will receive information
about parking options during the appointment booking.


Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Hamburg

Ausschläger Billdeich 48

D-20539 Hamburg

David Röll

Kerstin Metzmacher, Bettina Brümmer


Tel. +49 40 780748-600

Fax +49 40 780748-609


Google Maps


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday: 08.00 - 12.00 h und 13.00 - 17.00 h

Friday: 08.00 - 16.00 h


Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Köln/Hürth

Max-Ernst-Str. 2

D-50354 Hürth-Efferen

Christian Overberg

Yvonne Schorn


Tel. +49 2233 20890-640

Fax +49 2233 20890-649


Google Maps


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday 08:00 – 17:00 h

Friday 08:00 – 16:00 h



Dauphin HumanDesign® Center München

Zielstattstraße 44

D-81379 München

Marc-André Freiberg

Tanja Hindinger


Tel. +49 89 74835749-672

Fax +49 89 74835749-679

E-Mail dhdc.muenchen(at)

Google Maps


Opening Times:

Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 08.00 - 16.00 h


Wednesday and Thursday: 08.00 - 17.00 h




Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Lars Hartwig

Tel +49 9158 17-700

Fax +49 9158 1007



Dauphin HumanDesign® Group im
PALMBERG-Showroom Berlin

Aroser Allee 66

D-13407 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 43 55 76 - 620

E-Mail nicole.jagelski(at)



Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Dresden

An der Flutrinne 12a

D-01139 Dresden

Marcel Alexander Zilles

Claudia Wetzel

Tel +49 351 7952664-630

Fax +49 351 7952664-639

E-Mail dhdc.dresden(at)

Google Maps


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday: 08.00 - 12.00 h and 13.00 - 17.00 h

Friday: 08.00 - 16.00 h




Dauphin Workheart Space at
Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Frankfurt/Offenbach

Strahlenbergerstr. 110

D-63067 Offenbach

Diwa Rösinger

Denise von Rogall

Tel +49 69 98558288-650

Fax +49 69 98558288-659

E-Mail dhdc.frankfurt(at)

Google Maps


Opening times:

Monday - Thursday: 08.00 - 12.00 h and 13.00 - 17.00 h
Appointment scheduling in advance is preferred. You will receive information
about parking options during the appointment booking.



Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Hamburg

Ausschläger Billdeich 48

D-20539 Hamburg

David Röll

Kerstin Metzmacher, Bettina Brümmer

Tel +49 40 780748-600

Fax +49 40 780748-609


Google Maps


Opening times:

Monday - Thursday: 08.00 - 12.00 h and 13.00 - 17.00 h

Friday: 08.00 - 16.00 h




Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Köln

Max-Ernst-Str. 2

D-50354 Hürth-Efferen

Christian Overberg

Yvonne Schorn

Tel +49 2233 20890-640

Fax +49 2233 20890-649


Google Maps


Opening times:

Monday - Thursday: 08.00 - 17.00 h

Friday: 08:00 – 16:00 h




Dauphin HumanDesign® Center München

Zielstattstraße 44

D-81379 München

Marc-André Freiberg

Tanja Hindinger

Tel +49 89 74835749-672

Fax +49 89 74835749-679

E-Mail dhdc.muenchen(at)

Google Maps


Opening times:

Monday, Tuesday and Friday:    08.00 - 16.00 h

Wednesday and Thursday:        08.00 - 17.00 h




Dauphin HumanDesign® B.V.

Terbekehofdreef 46

B-2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk)

Kris Stoop

Tel +32 3 8877850

Fax +32 3 8879019

E-Mail info(at)


Google Maps



Dauphin Scandinavia A/S

Pakhus 48

Sundkaj 153

DK-2150 Nordhavn

Tel +45 4453 7053

E-Mail sales(at)

Google Maps




Dauphin France SAS

6, Allée du Parc de Garlande

F-92220 Bagneux

Christophe Platerier

Tel +33 1 4654-1590

Fax +33 1 4654-1599

E-Mail info(at)


Google Maps



Dauphin HumanDesign® Group in The Forum

69 Turnmill Street

Carsten Lippert

Теl. +49 172 8691259

E-Mail info(at)

Google Maps




Dauphin Italia S.r.l.

Via Gaetano Crespi 12

I-20134 Milano

Alessandro Menoni

Tel +39 02 76018394

Fax +39 02 76021723

E-Mail info(at)

Google Maps




Dauphin HumanDesign® B.V.

Landzichtweg 60

NL-4105 DP Culemborg

Ronald Jagt

Tel +31 345 588288

Fax +31 345 533132

E-Mail info(at)

Google Maps




Dauphin HumanDesign® Center Berlin

Division East

Wittestraße 30c

D-13509 Berlin

Jens Kappelmann

Tel +49 30 435576-305

Fax +49 30 435576-627

E-Mail info(at)




CompraCom HMDC

Apartado 158

8365-907 Algoz

Wim Kloosterman

Mobil +351 917 032 321

E-Mail management(at)



Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Sascha Funke

Mobil +43 664 2337055

E-Mail sascha.funke(at)



ZÜCO Bürositzmöbel AG

(Dauphin, Trendoffice, Züco, Bosse, Dauphin Home)

Schuppisstr. 7

CH-9016 St. Gallen

Carsten Lippert

Tel. +41 (71) 775 87 87

Fax +41 (71) 775 87 97

E-Mail mail(at)



Google Maps



Dauphin Industry (Schweiz)

uniq solution gmbh

Müllerstrasse 34a

CH-8004 Zürich

Claude Frey


Tel. +41 58 510 88 20

Fax +41 58 510 88 36

E-Mail info(at)





Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Clarissa Liebana Llera

Mobil +34 611 181 555

E-Mail spain(at)



Dauphin North America

Merchandise Mart, Suite 393

US-IL 60654 Chicago

Grisel Gerena-Colon

Tel +1 312 898 0413

Fax +1 973 263 3551




Dauphin North America

1444 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 411

Dallas, Texas 75207

David Wright

Tel +01 973 263 1100

Fax +01 973 263 3551




Dauphin North America

300 Campbell Avenue, Suite 202

Toronto, Canada M6P3V6

Nikki Ptaszek

Tel +01 973 263 1100

Fax +01 973 263 3551




Dauphin North America

100 Fulton Street

US-NJ 07005 Boonton

Catalina Velez

Tel +1 973 2631100

Fax +1 973 2633551



Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Dr. Jochen Ihring

E-Mail jochen.ihring(at)


Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Jessica Scheffing

Tel +49 9158 17-700

E-Mail info(at)

Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG

Espanstraße 36

D-91238 Offenhausen

Annarita Pischedda

Tel +49 9158 17-379

E-Mail annarita.pischedda(at)


Dauphin HumanDesign® Australia Pty Ltd

2 Maas Street

AU-2099 Cromer NSW

Dirk Woywod

Mobil +61 410 475612

Tel +61 280 062850

E-Mail dirk.woywod(at)



The foundations for the Dauphin company were laid in 1968. At the time, founder and owner Friedrich-Wilhelm Dauphin was providing business consultancy services to the English office chair manufacturer Evertaut. He carried out a market analysis into the prospects and opportunities for Evertaut’s German subsidiary (Norf near Düsseldorf). Although Dauphin concluded that the company had a promising future, his client Evertaut was not convinced. Dauphin therefore made a spur-of-the-moment decision and bought the company’s German operations himself. That same year, he started importing and distributing Evertaut chairs under the company name “Evertaut International”. Two years later, the company was renamed “Friedrich-W. Dauphin, Alleinimporteur Evertaut International”.

After a short spell in Oberroden near Frankfurt (production), the company’s head office was moved to Offenhausen in 1973. It was in this small village between Altdorf and Hersbruck near Nuremberg that he built his first plant. The original plant was then extended over the course of the years.

As part of efforts to establish the company’s own value added chain, two additional production sites for seat mechanisms and upholstery were set up in the 80s and 90s. Established in 1993, Dauphin Components manufactures mainly mechanisms for seating and other components in Pößneck, Thuringia. Artifex Büromöbel GmbH is a competent supplier of upholstery for all of the Dauphin Group companies. The company’s headquarters are in Neukirchen bei Sulzbach-Rosenberg. The company also has a branch in Günzburg. Both supply companies are 100% owned by the holding company and cover on a value basis approximately 50% of total procurement volume.

With headquarters in Hersbruck, Dauphin Entwicklungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH focuses on research and development projects. The designs are produced by the design team, sometimes working together with external designers. At the moment Dauphin holds over 73 utility models and patent applications throughout the world. The company has also lodged another 175 applications for aesthetic models and design patents as well as 118 trademark applications.

The family business has been under the umbrella of the “Dauphin office interiors GmbH & Co. KG” holding company since 1992. In addition to the Dauphin brand, two further chair firms came under the control of the holding company in the 90s: Trendoffice (formerly based in Günzburg) and Züco Bürositzmöbel AG based in Rebstein, Switzerland. With three independent brands, the Dauphin Group is firmly established in the facility seating market.

Züco is a traditional manufacturer of furniture for public areas. Bold design, the most exclusive materials and hand-made Swiss quality are what make its chair and table ranges so successful.
And the Office chairs of Trendoffice reflect an uncomplicated lifestyle. Fresh ideas, design freedom and creative materials result in value-for-money products which are ideal for use in modern, cheerful office environments.

Acquisition of Bosse: Likewise in 1992, the group once again tapped into the market for room structuring systems through its subsidiary Bosse Design based in Höxter. Thanks to Bosse, a specialist for versatile room dividing systems for use in conjunction with mobile storage and workstation solutions, Dauphin Holding has since established itself as a competent provider of complete office solutions. Following its takeover of the modular furniture manufacturer MRD in spring 2002, the company further expanded its range of products in this segment by adding the versatile “modul space” office furniture programme. This opens infinite combinations according to the motto: one idea. 1000 possibilites.

In 1999, nearly 15 years ago, the Dauphins became aware of the “Mere Rust” wine farm in the Franschhoeck Valley during one of their countless business trips to South Africa. After careful consideration, they bought the farm (to this day approx. 135 ha after land acquisition) and renamed it Allée Bleue, i.e. “blue alley”. The name refers to the driveway leading to the farm which is lined by blue eucalyptus trees.

The Allée Bleue Pinotage red wine won double gold at its first ever competition (Veritas Award 2002, South Africa): 2001 Pinotage “Allée Bleue”, with powerful aroma. This was to be the first of many awards. Fruit, herbs and olives are also grown and successfully marketed.

“Allée Bleue Estate” is more than just a vineyard. The romantic backdrop is also the ideal setting for wedding receptions for example. Up to two weddings are celebrated there virtually every weekend of the year. In addition to the large banquet/ball room known as “Le Grand Hall” (approx. 400 people), the Allée Bleue Bistro and the Boutique Hotel which is currently under construction, there are two high-tech conference rooms. Allée Bleue therefore offers a stylish backdrop not only for private celebrations such as weddings or birthdays but also for sophisticated business events such as meetings, seminars and conferences.

In autumn 2002, the Offenhausen-based company bundled together the sales, marketing and consultancy expertise of its Bosse, Trendoffice and Züco subsidiaries to form the Dauphin HumanDesign® Group (DHDG). This has ensured that the group can operate according to its holistic HumanDesign® philosophy and offer complete solutions for the entire office and facility sector.

The high-quality chair programmes from Dauphin and Züco, the dynamic, trendy range of seating from Trendoffice, and the modern, well-thought-out room-design and office-furniture systems from Bosse are at the centre of the DHDG’s activities. The result is a configurable complete range of furniture for creating contemporary, user-oriented and systematic office landscapes. After all, a workplace is not a collection of individual parts – it must form a harmonious unit. The Dauphin HumanDesign® Group aims to offer products and solutions that achieve this objective.

As part of brand consolidation to form the Dauphin HumanDesign® Group, chair production for the Trendoffice brand was moved from Günzburg to the main Offenhausen plant on 01.01.2004. Since then, the Günzburg plant has served as an additional production site for the Artifex Büromöbel GmbH upholstery company, another subsidiary of Dauphin Holding.

With 18 sales and production companies in Germany and abroad as well as numerous licensees and representatives in 81 countries, the Dauphin Group is one of the leading office seating manufacturers in Europe. The company has 612 members of staff across the world and achieved a consolidated turnover of 120 million euros in 2023. On average, 1,400 chairs per day are produced at the group’s production facilities around the world.

Thanks to sales branches in Australia, Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands/Belgium, the Dauphin Group has a global presence. Numerous other countries are covered either by local licensees or country representatives (distributors).

In addition to the German production sites, the Holding owns a branch in the USA that produces and markets selected products.

Dauphin has a traditionally strong position in Germany. Exports account for 31 percent of consolidated total turnover (2023). A consistent policy of internationalization aims at strengthening the position of all brands in the European countries and abroad.